<line 1-5a
did not survive>
. . . often I pulled at four
sweet brothers; each plied me
with drink day by day, it poured
through separate holes. I drank, happy,
until I was older and yielded it all
to the dark herdsman; I left home,
trudged over the Marches, crossed the moors,
yoked under a beam with a ring around my neck -
every step was such drudgery,
a measure of hardship, Often the iron
gashed my sides grievously; I kept
quiet, never complained to any man
if the spear-stabs were painful.
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<This Riddle
did not survive>
I was once a young woman,
a glorious warrior, a gray-haired queen.
I soared with birds, stepped on the earth,
swam in the sea - dived under waves,
languid amongst fishes. I had a living spirit.
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<This Riddle
did not survive>
I saw a woman, solitary, brooding.
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Sea suckled me, waves sounded over me,
rollers covered me as I rested on my bed.
I have no feet and often open my mouth
to the flood. Now some man will
consume me, who cares nothing for my clothing.
With the point of his knife he will rip the skin
away from my side, and straight away eat me
uncooked as I am . . .
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<This Riddle
did not survive>
<This Riddle
did not survive>
I'm loved by my lord, and his shoulder
companion, I'm the comrade of a warrior,
a friend of the King. The fair-haired
Queen, the daughter of an earl, sometimes lays
her hand on me, well-born through she is.
I carry within me what grew in the grove.
Sometimes I ride on a splendid steed
at the head of the host; harsh is my voice.
I often give the singer a reward
for his songs. I'm sallow to look at
and kind at heart. What am I called?
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